שאל תחרה טורקיז עם אפור

שאל תחרה טורקיז עם אפור

שמלה סרוגה עם כתפיות לקריא שאל תחרה טורקיז עם אפור 12 minutes הבא שאל צבעוני לקיץ

שאל אופנתי הוא פריט החובה הבא שלכן. בין אם אתן במשרד, בנסיעה ברכבת או בחופשה על חוף הים, זרקו על עצמכן שאל צבעני ומלא בסטייל שיעניק לכן תחושה אווררית ונעימה בימי הקיץ החמים.

שאל לקיץ בגוון טורקיז עם אפור סרוגה בשתי מסרגות בטכניקת תחרה מחוטי כותנה עם ויסקוזה, במבוק, אקרילן או משי, עובי של החוט למסרגות 3.5-4.5

לחוטי סריגה מתאימים לחץ כאן: גינס, גינס במבוק, סימפוניה, סטייל, כסבה, לוקסור, פלאואר

למסרגות עגולות של אדי לחץ כאן



Yarn: גרם 250
 50 גרם לבן, 50 גרם קרם, 50 גרם טורקיז בהיר, 50 גרם טרקיז כהה, 50 גרם צבע אפור בהיר 
4 stitch markers, plus another 50 optional for the final motif
Needles: n.4, 5 and 5


10 × 10 cm = 20 stitches, 24 rows with lace stitch.


m = stitch (e);
MP = point mark;
pMP = pass MP
LD = right side of the work
LR = wrong side of the piece
dr = straight;
r = reverse;
viv = edge;
2ins = 2 sts together knit
3ins = 3 sts together knit
acc = simple overlap: slip a stitch without knitting it, 1 dr, overlap the passed stitch over that worked.
get = one toss
rip ** =
repeat from * to *
DIR = knit, ROV = purl, DDL = right side, RDL = wrong side, GET = yarn over, M1 = raise the yarn that passes between one stitch and another and knit it
Ins 2 = knit 2 together, insA 2 ROV = work 2 stitches together in reverse, 1 st = an overlap, ins 3 = purl 3 together.
1 double st acc to LEFT = Slip 1 stitch as if to knit it, knit 2 stitches together, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted one
1 double st acc on the RIGHT = knit 2 stitches together, PLACE the stitch back on the left needle, pass the next stitch over the stitches worked together, PLACE THE STITCH ON THE RIGHT NEEDLE
4 THROWS = put the yarn on the needle 4 times

This shawl is made flat, in round-trip needles. It is a creshent shape, it has a crescent shape. Lace stitches are simple. The alternating rows are made by bringing the thread with it, crossing it on each row from the right side.
Finished shawl measurements: height 50 cm, width 210 cm

SETTING NEEDLES in color "1 TURQUOISE" with needles no. 4.5 START 6 stitches

DDL 1st Iron = 2dir, 1get, 2 dir, 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 2 ° F 2dir, 1 get, 4 rov, 1 get, 2 dir

DDL 3rd f. 2dir, 1 get, 2 dir, M1,2 dir, M1, 2 dir, 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 4th f. 2dir, 1 get, P up to 2 stitches from the end 1 get, 2 k

DDL 5th f. 2dir, 1 get, 4 dir, M1, 4 dir, M1, 4 dir, 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 6th f. like iron 4

DDL 7th f. 2dir, 1 get, 3 dir, M1, 3 dir, M1, 6 dir, M1, 3 dir, M1, 3 dir, 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 8th f. like iron 4

DDL 9th f. 2dir, 1 get, 9 dir, M1, 8 dir, M1, 9 dir, 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 10 ° f. like row 4 = total stitches 36 FIRST STRIPED band with the color "2 BIANCO"

DDL 11th row = 2dir, 1 get, knit up to 2 stitches from the end then: 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 12th row = 2dir, 1 get, k up to 2 stitches from the end 1 get, 2 k

DDL 13 rows = 2dir, 1 get, 1 k, * 2 purl sts, 1 get * repeat from * to * up to 3 stitches from the end then always finish the row with 1 k, 1 get, 2 k

RDL 14 f = like 9 tot m 44

With the color "1 TURCHESE"

DDL 15th row = 2dir, 1 get, 2 k, M1, knit up to 4 stitches from the end then: M1, 2 k, 1 get, 2 k

RDL 16th row = 2dir, 1 get, k up to 2 stitches from the end 1 get, 2 k

With the color 2 WHITE

DDL 17th row = 2dir, 1 get, knit up to 2 stitches from the end then: 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 18th row = 2dir, 1 get, dir up to 2 stitches from the end then: 1 get, 2 dir

REPEAT from row 15 to row 18 for another total time, 64 m

With the color "1 TURCHESE"

DDL 23 ° f = same as 15

RDL 24th row = same as 16 = 70 stitches

With the color "2 BIANCO"

DDL 25 ° f = same as 11

RDL 26 ° f = same as 12

DDL 27th row = like 13 = total of 76 stitches

RDL 28th row = 2dir, 1 get, WORKING STRAIGHT distribute 12 INCREASES regularly (ddd) then knit up to 2 stitches from the end 1 get, 2 dir = total 88 stitches

The FIRST band PERFORATED with the color "1 TURQUOISE" multiple of 4 links

Here, if you don't want to struggle to make the lace stitch, you can use needles No. 5

DDL 1st f. 2dir, 1 get, 2dir, [3 abs purl; in a stitch do: 1 k, 1 get, 1 k] repeat from [a] to 4 stitches from the end of the row, then 2 k, 1 get, 2 dir.

RDL 2nd f. 2dir, 1 get, purl up to 2 stitches from the end then 1 get, 2 k

DDL 3rd f. 2dir, 1 get, 2dir [in 1 stitch do: 1 dir, 1 get, 1 dir; P 3 abs] repeat from [a] to 4 stitches from the end of the row, then K 2, 1 get, 2 dir.

RDL 4th row = same as 2

REPEAT from row 1 to row 4 another 3 times: stitches total 120

The SECOND STRIPED band alternates the color "1 WHITE" with the COLOR "3 SAGE GREEN". It is the same as the FIRST, from row 11 to row 27, after working row 28 in which 18 increases are inserted regularly.


Next to it is the easy drawing scheme which can be useful to help you with the insertion of designs from row 7 onwards. REMEMBER that the scheme can be read from RIGHT to

LEFT from bottom to top SECOND "3 SAGE" COLOR OPENWORK band, multiple of 6 stitches, and 4 rows.

DDL 1st f =. 2dir, 1 get, 1dir, put MP, * 1 get, 1 double st acc to LEFT, 1 get, 3 dir * repeat from * to * up to 3 stitches from the end of the row, then put MP, 1dir, 1 get, 2dir.

RDL 2 = 2dir, 1 get, purl up to 2 stitches from the end then 1 get, 2 dir Acc RIGHT DDL 3rd row = 2dir, 1 get, k to MP, * 3 dir, 1 get, 1 double st acc RIGHT , 1 get * repeat until MP, then dir up to 2 stitches from the end 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 4 = same as iron 2

Acc LEFT DDL 5th row = 2dir, 1 get, dir to MP, * 1 get, 1 double st acc to LEFT, 1 get, 3 dir * repeat from * to * to MP, then dir up to 2 stitches from end 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 6 = same as iron 2

WHILE PROCEEDING, one MP is placed at the beginning and at the end and the two from FIRST are removed

Acc RIGHT DDL 7 f = 2dir, 1 get, 1dir, put MP, * 3 dir, 1 get, 1 double m acc RIGHT, 1 get * repeat until MP then REMOVE MP, 3 dir, 1 get, 1 double m acc RIGHT, 1 get, PUT MP, 1 dir, 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 8 row = same as 2nd row Hc LEFT DDL 9th row = same as 5th row

RDL 10 row = same as 2nd row Acc RIGHT DDL 11th row = = same as 3rd row

RDL 12 row = same as iron 2

WHILE PROCEEDING, one MP is placed at the beginning and at the end and the two from FIRST are removed

Acc LEFT DDL 13th f. = 2dir, 1 get, 1dir, put MP, * 1 get, 1 double m acc to LEFT, 1 get, 3 dir * repeat from * to * up to MP, remove Mp, 1 get, 1 double st acc LEFT, 1 get, 3 dir, PUT MP, then 1 dir, 1 get, 2 dir.

RDL 14 row = same as 2nd row RIGHT DDL 15th row = same as 3

RDL 16 row = same as 2nd row Hc LEFT DDL 17th row = same as 5

RDL 18 row = same as iron 2

WHILE PROCEEDING, one MP is placed at the beginning and at the end and the two from FIRST are removed

Acc RIGHT DDL 19th f. = Same as 7

RDL 20 rows = same as iron 2

Total links 220

The THIRD STRIPED band alternates the color "4 SAND" with the COLOR "5 TERRA". It is the same as the FIRST one, from row 11 to row 27, after working row 28 in which 21 total stitch increases are inserted in a regular manner = 283

THIRD "5 TERRA" COLOR OPENWORK band, multiple of 11 links

DDL 1 f =. 2dir, 1 get, straight up to 2 stitches from the end of the row then 1 get, 2dir.

RDL 2 rows = same as 1 row

DDL 3 row = 2dir, 1 get, 4 dir, 4 get, * 11 dir, 4 get * repeat from * to * up to 6 stitches from the end then 4 dir, 1 get, 2 dir

The stitches that you will make in the QUADRUPLE THROW must be HIGHLIGHTED BY THE MARKERS, RDL 4 f = 2dir, 1 get, 5 dir, [put mp, IN the yarn over make 11 stitches in this way: (* 1dir, 1rov * for 5 TIMES, and 1 dir ), put mp, THEN the 11 dir] repeat from [a] until the last throw, then straight up 2 stitches from the end: 1 get, 2 dir

DDL 5 f = 2dir, 1 get, dir to MP, Pmp, [1m acc, 7 dir, 2mass, pmp, 11 dir, Pmp] repeat from [a] to last MP, then finish straight row and with 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 6/8/10/12 = 2dir, 1 get, straight up to MP, the stitches between the MPs above the hole must be purl, all the others straight, finish the row with 1 get, 2 dir

DDL 7 f = 2dir, 1 get, dir to MP, Pmp [1m acc, 5 dir, 2mass, pmp, 11 dir, Pmp] repeat from [a] to the last cast, then finish the straight row and with 1 get, 2 dir

DDL 9 f = 2dir, 1 get, dir to MP, Pmp [1m acc, 3 dir, 2mass, pmp, 11 dir, Pmp] repeat from [a] to the last cast, then finish the straight row and with 1 get, 2 dir

DDL 11 f = 2dir, 1 get, dir to MP, Pmp [1m acc, 1 dir, 2mass, pmp, 11 dir, Pmp] repeat from [a] to the last cast, then finish the straight row and with 1 get, 2 dir

While working iron 13 you can remove the MPs

DDL 13 f = 2dir, 1 get, dir up to MP, [1 double acc, 11 dir] repeat from [a] to the last cast, then finish the row straight and with 1 get, 2 dir

RDL 14 = same as 1 iron

FINAL ROW BANDS with the color "2 BIANCO"

DDL 1 = 2dir, 1 get, 1 k, * 2 purl sts, 1 get * repeat from * to * up to 3 stitches from the end then always finish the row with 1 get, 2 k

RDL 2 = 2dir, 1 get, knit up to 2 stitches from the end then: 1 get, 2 k

With the color "TERRA" DDL 3 / RDL 4 = like iron 2

Color “2 BIANCO” DDL 3 / RDL 4 = same as iron 2

“TURQUOISE” color DDL 5 = like iron 1, RDL 6 = like iron 2

Color "2 BIANCO" DDL 7 = same as iron 2


In the first stitch * mount 2 new stitches, softly close 7 stitches, place the stitch on the left needle

you have * repeat from * to * until you have closed all the stitches.


INSERT the crochet hook in the first PIPPIOLINO and [work a chain stitch, continue making another 12, now close them with a single crochet by inserting the thread in the NEXT PIPPIOLINO] repeat from [a] to the end.

 הוראות סריגה נלקחו מhttps://www.lainesdunord.it/en/pattern/11/joie-de-vivre/

השאר תגובה

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